Every Neighbor Blessed

We are a community passionate about demonstrating and declaring the Gospel in our neighborhoods.

The Neighborhoods Newsletter
The Neighborhoods Newsletter is a great way to stay in the loop with Neighbohood Ministries at Salem Alliance! Subscribe down below for updates about events, specific needs, stories and other helpful information.
We have 3 strategic ways that we bring the peace, presence and power of Christ to our city.
Salem Alliance On Mission
These On Mission opportunities are events and ministries where SAC provides
leadership, volunteers and financial support.
Check Out Our Resource Brochure
There is a wide variety of resources around our community that are equipped to help in many different situations. We have a simple brochure that categorizes these organizations. Keep one in your car or on hand as you go about your day. You never know when it might come in handy!

SAC Events
SAC Ministries

Furniture Bank picks up gently used furniture and delivers items to neighbors in need.

Feed Salem demonstrates and declares the gospel through food distribution and prayer.

The Royal Order of Red Suspenders cut, stack, season and deliver firewood to neighbors in need.

Mobilizing our SAC family to Bless Every School while continuing to partner directly with Grant, Highland, Parrish and North.
Love the City is committed to equipping and empowering the people of Salem Alliance church to bring the tangible peace, presence and power of Jesus to our neighbors.
Salem Alliance Co-Founded Ministries
These on mission opportunities are ministries in Salem that we co-founded and have elevated investment in.

Salem Free Clinics provides quality, compassionate care for the uninsured, bringing hope and health to our community.

Salem for Refugees welcomes and empowers our new neighbors by bringing people and resources together.

Salem Alliance Partnerships
These On Mission opportunities are ministries in Salem that we partner with in regards to
financial support through the Benevolent Fund and encouraging individuals to volunteer.
Click on the logo to visit the organization's website.
Want to get involved in serving our neighbors, but not sure where to start?
Step 1: Fill out the Neighborhood Serve Form so that we know your interests, gifts, availability, etc.
Step 2: We will get in touch with you to talk about options that fit your specific gifts, passions and skills.
Step 3: Once we have found an option that you want to explore, we will send you the paperwork necessary to start serving in
the neighborhoods!
Is your Life Group looking for a one time opportunity to bless the city?
Click the link below to get started on your group serve opportunity.
Contact Us!

Hi, I am Ashley Dalen, Pastor of Neighborhoods. I am here for any questions or information you may need. Reach out and I'd be happy to connect with you.

I am Elise Myers, the Ministry Assistant for Nations & Neighborhood's. I'm available for any questions you might have. Feel free to email me!