Bless Every School comes alongside our local schools through supporting teachers, encouraging staff and prayer.
We intentionally partner with our four neighborhood schools – Highland Elementary, Grant Community School, Parrish Middle School and North Salem High School. Join us in caring for educators and students.

Jump into a school!
What better way to bring the peace, presence and power of Christ to our schools than through your presence.
VOLUNTEER: There is a place for any personality and gifting to volunteer in schools. Schools need behind-the-scenes helpers, reading buddies, YoungLife leaders, mentors, after-school tutors and even greeters! The application below will allow you to pick the school you want to volunteer with and bless.
SUBSTITUTE: What better way to care for teachers and students than by stepping into a classroom? Click below for a Salem/Keizer school district substitute application.
Adopt a Classroom
We have partner schools who need extra food support. Adopt a Classroom gives volunteers the opportunity to bless our school partners with snacks that help students and teachers achieve success in the classroom.
When you adopt a classroom, your commitment is to provide 100 snacks at the beginning of each month to the teacher and classroom you are partnered with. Click below to get more information or to be paired with a classroom.

Staff Appreciation
It is critical that those in education know how appreciative the church is for the role they play in caring for, teaching and raising up the children in our neighborhoods. We intentionally celebrate the staff at our partner schools five times each year. We do a welcome-back-to-the-school-year gift, provide food and words or encouragement at three staff meetings of their choice and do something special each year for staff appreciation week.
Some of the responsibilities on this team include planning, shopping, decorating and arranging details with the school. You have a budget and are reimbursed. If you are interesed in helping out with some of the projects, click the link below.
Pray for our Schools
We are gathering a community who would commit to consistently praying for schools, students and staff. You pick the school and we will work to encourage, equip and connect you with others who are praying for that school.
To be added to our School Prayer Team, click the link below and put "School Prayer" in the interest box and you will be contacted.

Do you work in education?
If so, would you please take a moment and fill out this three-question form so we can be praying intentionally for you and your school/district?

Contact our Pastor of Neighborhood Ministries, Ashley Dalen. Email her below and she'll get back to you as soon as she can.