Join the Volunteer Team

GLO (Special Needs)

a ministry for people with disabilities


We believe people of all abilities should have the opportunity to come to church and feel welcomed, accepted, celebrated and become full participants and contributors in the body of Christ.

Our Buddy Program makes it possible for children and youth with special needs to attend our typical classes. We also have a GLO Room, ideal for children who benefit from individual attention, smaller classroom sizes and calming places to retreat.

GLO is offered on Sundays at the 9:30 am service


GLO Pastor

Aimee is here to help! We'd love for you to email us before you come on the weekend. If you have any questions, please contact Aimee McGrath below.


New to GLO

Email us for an initial meeting and to receive the classroom care plan. This plan will address the unique needs of the child and help create the best plan to incorporate the child at church.

Flipside Gives Back


We believe ministry is a team sport and we cannot do what we do without our incredible team of volunteer leaders. Are you interested in making a difference?

GLO Video Testimony

The GLO MInistry makes it possible for families who have children with disabilities to attend, engage and experience church on Sunday mornings. Shua, one of our GLO parents, has a wonderful testimony about how she has seen God work through the GLO Ministry and their parent Life Group. Check it out!


More Resources

These are just a few of the events or groups available for people with disabilities and their families.