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Middle School Students

Be a revivalist

Summer Schedule

During the month of August, we celebrate Family Gathers – a time for kids and students to join us in the main worship services with their families. This means the youth center will be closed until after Labor Day Weekend. We look forward to this meaningful time of learning and worshipping as a church family.

From August through Labor Day weekend, we’ll also host Gather on the Green after each service. We open up the doors and invite everyone to exit onto the green space behind the Worship Center and grab a snack. We love to do life together and hope you can make a new friend and connect as a church family.

Middle School Mornings


9:30-10:30am · Youth Center (548 Shipping St. NE)
MS Sunday mornings are the time we take to be together as a middle school church family. Each weekend we will worship together, engage with scripture, and learn new ways to apply biblical and spiritual principles to our lives. Don't forget this is middle school though so there will be fun games, occasional snacks, and community building opportunities.



Crash nights are the highlight of our week. From October to May, on Wednesday nights, from 6:30 pm–8:00 pm, we play large group games, hang out with our small groups and catch up on life. Our goal is to create a time in our week to revive our souls and deepen our friendships. If that's something you want to be a part of, grab a friend and swing on by! We would love to see you.

Crash is on summer break!  Watch this page for details about our Crash Kick-off coming in the fall.

Crash Nights

SWEAT Fundraiser

Middle and High school students work in City of Salem parks, serve with the SAC Neighborhoods ministry or make phone calls to SAC partners and those partners donate funds for their efforts. All funds raised can be used for any youth trip or event during their middle and high school years at SAC.



Tanya Xiong is the Pastor of Middle School Ministry and would love to answer any of your questions. Feel free to email her any time.

three men and one woman laughing during daytime


We believe ministry is a team sport and we cannot do what we do without our incredible team of volunteer leaders. Are you interested in making a difference?

Monthly Parent Email (Middle School)


Parents, we’re here for you, too. If you have a question about our ministry, feel free to reach out. Otherwise, stay in the loop by subscribing to our monthly email.


548 Shipping St. NE, Salem, OR 97301


Got Questions?

My name is Rachel Knowles. I am the Student Ministries Ministry Assistant and I’m here to help. Send me an email and I would be happy to assist you.