Wiesinger Life Group

Each week when we meet, it’s our desire to experience God together and put into practice the ways of Jesus. This will involve things like sharing meals, listening prayer, experiential readings of Scripture and engaging in spiritual practices throughout the week that we can debrief when we’re together.


It’s our heart that everyone who comes, is not simply an attender but an active participant in the life and leadership of the group. Over time, each person will be invited to provide meals, facilitate times of debrief and discussion as well as lead spiritual practices and future life group gatherings.


As we do life with Jesus and life together in this way, we fully anticipate that this will lead us to life on mission. We are committed to prayerfully supporting and encouraging one another to demonstrate and declare the gospel in our spheres of influence with the unique giftings and passions God has given us.


If you’re new to this stuff, no worries. We’re not experts either. We desire to be part of a learning community that is up  for trying new things and taking risks with the goal of being transformed into the image of Christ for the sake of others. So if that strikes a chord with you, and you’re up for taking part, we’d love for you to join us!

Request to join


Jeff & Darlene Wiesinger, Sam & Steph Brown



Meeting Time

Sundays at 4:30pm


In a Home