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Family ministry exists to help families be at peace with God and with each other.

We host parenting events to empower and equip parents, as well as family events to create space for families to enjoy community, worship and creation together.


Every Parent

Every month from September to May, we meet once a month as parents of every age and stage to support each other.


Family Campout

 We'd love for you to join us in God's creation June 17-20, 2024. Check out more information below!


Hearts at Home

Hearts at Home is our ministry to moms with young children. This is a place to meet moms, learn, grow and leave encouraged. We meet every Thursday morning from late September through the end of April (following the Salem-Keizer school schedule), childcare included.

Family Ministries Staff


Josh Mann

Pastor of Adult & Family Ministries


Morgan Tyler

Adult & Family Ministries Coordinator

Hi, we're the Family Ministries team. Please reach out to us if you have any questions. We'll be in touch with you soon!

But as for me and my family, we will serve the LORD. Joshua 24:15